Wandering in parks and gardens around. Daily living & growing season in my own garden in Finland.
Blogissani on kuvia kasveista ja puutarhoista.Vasemmalla reunalla rullaavat blogitekstit, joissa kasvit on nimetty. Kokoan blogarkistoa osin kasvien tunnistusta ajatellen.Oikealla reunalla ja sivun alaosassa on kuvia, joissa lukee Click. Niitä klikkaamalla siirryt toisille sivustoille ja uusiin puutarhamaisemiin.
My blog consists of pictures of various plants and gardens. On the left side of the screen you can roll my texts where the plants are identified. I do this blog concerning identification of plants.On the right side of the screen and down below you can see pictures with click-windows on them. By clicking them you can go to other websights and new garden views.
maanantai 20. kesäkuuta 2011
Cutting the grass
I was cutting the grass.
Here is my phone after working.
It seems to me that the sim card is still whole.
I will look for some old phone from the house.
Don't call me now.
That`s a sign to slow down mama!